When Life Throws You a Crap Ton of Lemons: How to Deal

I’m gonna have to throw my standard, evergreen content out the window for this post, folks. Because we are smack dab in the middle of Coronavirus; this grand stinking pandemic of the unprecedented variety.

Sure, I could ignore the warnings and keep on traveling to bring you great Pacific Northwest stories. But what purpose would that serve? What message would that send to my readers?

First and foremost, I have a responsibility to be a good citizen. How that plays out in the realm of my travel blog is very important to me.

And then there’s my personal life. Yeah, not going to get into that here!  Let’s just say…it’s complicated. You may be surprised to learn that I’m actually a very introverted person. And so this whole “social distancing” business is, in a strange way, slightly soothing to me. I have no problem with it. Well, at least not for the most part!

Now, does that mean that I don’t actually like social contact? Of course not! Very far from the truth. I love to meet new people and talk about cool stuff with them. But am I so great at parties? Mmmmm…not really! I’d much rather get together with one or two friends, or even curl up on the couch at home by myself with a good movie more often than not.

As of this writing, California just went on complete lockdown, to the point where the government does not even want people to leave their homes unless it is to get food and gas, etc. When the leadership of the 3rd largest economy in the world tells you this, it is a BIG DEAL.

And very scary.

It’s times like these that remind everyone that we are all on this big beautiful rock together and that we should take care of it and us in equal measure.

So What Do I Do to Keep up Spirits?

Many people who have been laid off work, or who are working limited hours or from home suddenly find a ton of time on their hands. It’s all too easy to get sucked up with all of the doomsday news on CNN or social media or wherever you get your current events. Try to limit this as much as possible and focus on the positive as you move through your day.

Every day, when you wake up, think of ONE thing you are grateful for. Trust me, it helps.

Spend mad amounts of time on what makes you happy. It is music? Listen to your favorite tunes. A LOT. Relax with a hot bath. Devote a lot of time to those hobbies you’ve put on the back burner. Because you know what? You have the time now to devote to those pursuits. Take advantage of it! Look at this newfound time as a blessing to spend it at home, exactly how you want.


Reach out to friends and family. Even if you cannot necessarily be with them in person, stay in touch, daily if you can. Actually talk on the phone, or FaceTime, or Skype or whatever! It can be a very spiritually uplifting thing to actually speak with your voice and not with your fingertips. I know that sounds a little hypocritical because I’m speaking with my fingertips right now! But I think you know what I mean.

And Know that This Too Shall Pass

This is a temporary thing. Most things are. It’s what makes this world so dynamic and exciting. But in this time where things can seem downright frightening, just know that we are ALL in this together…

…and we will prevail. And life will go on.

We will eventually get back to normal. Granted, it may be a new normal, but just think. We certainly don’t live the same way we did twenty, even ten years ago. Things are constantly in motion, always changing.

And you will be able to go back to traveling again. And when you do, I REALLY hope you come to the Pacific Northwest. Because when we can travel again, it will be just as gorgeous as it was before.

Rest assured, I have soooo many wonderful trips planned throughout the Pacific Northwest, and as soon as this crisis is over, I will be satiating my wanderlust once again! I cannot wait to bring you those stories.

Until then…take care of each other!!

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