diners in portland
Pacific Rim National Park
Solo Travel
Portland Spring

Where to Stay in Portland, Oregon

Deciding where to stay in Portland can greatly influence experience of this dynamic city, especially for first-time visitors. Downtown Portland is just one choice if you want the quintessential urban…

Seattle Itinerary
Portland, Oregon
oregon road trip

Things to Do in Crater Lake National Park

Make no bones about it…Crater Lake, Oregon is a magical place. It’s mysterious, it’s gorgeous, it’s heart-stopping. We’ve all seen pictures of it, but unless you’re there to witness it…

Central Washington State

Road Trip! Central Washington State

Looking for a great Washington State road trip? Sandwiched between the Cascade Mountain Range and the secluded forests of the Nez-Pierce in Idaho, lies the deserts of central Washington. The…

Pacific Northwest Holiday
Painted Hills

Fossil, Oregon and the Painted Hills

Deep in the high desert of central Oregon, past the tumbling tumble weeds and hovering hawks seeking out their prey…past the fragrant sagebrush and long forgotten ghost towns…lies fossils and…